Archive: Articles - Healthcare Trends

Ageism in Healthcare: A Persistent Barrier to Cohesion

Whether employees, providers, or patients, it’s not okay “Members of Gen Z are lazy and entitled.” “Millennials are narcissistic and unreliable.” “Baby boomers lack technology skills and are averse to change.” These are just a few of the ageist remarks I have heard from ...

Getting in Front of Healthcare Labor Shortage Trends

Healthcare labor shortages are nothing new. In fact, we’ve been grappling with shortages of various kinds for many years. Demand ebbs and flows as does the availability of qualified candidates. But the situation has become more challenging in recent years for ...

Lessons From the Field: Be Resilient, Not Resentful

Let’s be honest - 2020 has been rough. Between the pandemic, the election, the civil unrest, the wildfires, and the weather, it’s hard to find the “good news.” There have certainly been a lot of headlines about the heroes in ...

Is Your Medical Practice Culture Ready for CG-CAHPS?

Imagine walking into your doctor’s office where you have a scheduled appointment. It’s your first appointment in this office and you aren’t sure what to expect. You step up to the counter labeled “Registration” and the woman behind the desk ...

HCAHPs is coming. Are you prepared?

Later this month, Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) begins live reporting. Are you prepared to be compared on a national quality report as perceived by your consumers? Kevin Stranberg, consultant with Baird Group, offers a succinct ...

Shining the Spotlight on Good News in Healthcare

We hear a lot in the national media about the state of healthcare in our nation today. And what we're hearing about is most likely high costs, the numbers of uninsured, lack of access, or system inefficiencies. It's enough to ...
