January 5th, 2024
As long as healthcare leaders have measured patient experience, they’ve seen a strong correlation between nurse communication and the overall experience. After 25 years of conducting communication skill training for nurses, I have made a few important observations about the subject, ...
December 19th, 2023
Over the past few weeks, I have had the pleasure of working with the nurses of BronxCare and sharing the Nurse/Patient Partnership experience. Reading through hundreds of evaluations taught me how much they value time where they can gather and ...
December 12th, 2023
Healthcare organizations across the U.S. spend billions each year to assess employee engagement only to keep the engagement survey results under wraps, creating suspicion and frustration among staff.
In my experience, the reasons for not sharing results appear innocent on the surface ...
December 4th, 2023
Accepting excuses as a way of life is often a subtle, yet insidious culture killer. When we do culture assessments, we frequently unearth patterns that point to an excuse mentality that keeps an organization stuck. The insights shed light on ...
November 27th, 2023
I recently visited Costa Rica where the native language is Spanish. Despite my high school Spanish classes and a few lessons in Babbel, I was rusty, to say the least. I got by on simple interactions like ordering food or ...
November 17th, 2023
Looking for a best practice? Here’s an idea…
Blog by Angela Fieler
I have been focused on improving the patient experience for the better part of my adult life. Over the years, one thing I’ve learned is that a best practice doesn't ...
November 10th, 2023
Just because you conduct training, doesn’t mean people are learning. And just because people learn something, doesn't mean they change their behavior. How can you ensure that every training results in behavior change? Start by finding out how they learn ...
November 6th, 2023
We get a lot of interesting requests for training and addressing specific culture issues at Baird Group, but a recent discussion still has me shaking my head. A large medical group contacted us for service excellence training. The person contacting ...
October 30th, 2023
The Goal-Setting Process: When Is a Number Just a Number?
By Angela Fieler
It’s October – the time of year when leaves start to change, people begin preparing for year-end holidays, and some organizations begin the budgeting and goal-setting process for the new year. ...
October 19th, 2023
I once read a great quote, “An apology is the superglue of life. It can fix just about anything.” I don’t know where the quote originated but it became etched in my mind because of its simple truth. A simple ...