Culture Catalyst Blog & Articles

A Quality Experience: Tracing the moments of truth

From your patients’ perspective, quality healthcare is demonstrated in countless moments of truth throughout their interactions with your organization. All of those interactions add up to the big quality picture. Take a walk through your organization with this checklist to ...

Shining the Spotlight on Good News in Healthcare

We hear a lot in the national media about the state of healthcare in our nation today. And what we're hearing about is most likely high costs, the numbers of uninsured, lack of access, or system inefficiencies. It's enough to ...

The Value of a C.O.A.C.H.

Are you someone who puts in their time at work each day with no clear idea of where that time will lead you? Or are you a new manager faced with having to give a poor performance review, quickly losing ...

Drills to Improve Your Coaching Skills

To many people, legendary Green Bay Packers coach Vince Lombardi embodied the definition of coaching, demonstrating the principles that he expected his players to live by and inciting them to go the extra mile. As Lombardi understood, the very definition of ...

Chart a New Course with Experience Mapping

Have you ever wished you could read your customers' minds and know exactly what they think about their experiences with your organization? If you only had a method for documenting customers' impressions as they interact with your staff, you'd have ...

Is Your Leadership Style One Size Fits None?

What if you walked into your favorite coffee shop one day and discovered that you couldn't order your usual "customized" coffee? You'd be served caffeinated black coffee or nothing at all. Many industry leaders recognize that their customers are demanding ...

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