Culture Catalyst Blog & Articles

HELP WANTED: Slackers, Whiners, and Jerks!

Great pay and benefits, low expectations, no accountability, and you’re likely to get promoted soon. You wouldn’t expect to see an ad like this, and yet, if you’re not careful, this might be exactly what you are attracting and retaining in ...

Leaders Don’t Duck

We’ve all been there—faced with a critical moment of truth when we might offer some much-needed feedback (constructive or corrective) to an employee, but we let the moment go. Maybe it’s because we don’t feel the setting is appropriate—perhaps we’re ...

Is Your Management Style Killing the Service Spirit?

It can take months, even years, to establish a solid culture of service excellence yet only one unfortunate misstep to destroy the results of all that hard work. Unfortunately, too often healthcare leaders are inadvertently hampering their own efforts to ...

Is Victim Thinking Killing Your Patient Experience?

“It’s not fair!” “It’s not my fault!” Many parents are all too familiar with these kinds of comments. Unfortunately, so are many managers! As we work with healthcare organizations around the country and conduct culture assessments, one common issue we encounter is ...

Building Habits that Make a Difference

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” That’s a quote from Aristotle, a Greek philosopher who lived from 384 – 322 BC, but it is as relevant today as it was thousands of ...

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