Culture Catalyst Blog & Articles

Nurses Shape the Patient Experience in Hospitals

We focus a lot on culture as we work with healthcare organizations around the country and, while we know that it “takes a village” to deliver high-quality healthcare, we also know that there is one critical role particularly in hospital ...

Intentional Culture

“If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there,” is an often-repeated quote from Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland. Paraphrased, it simply means that without goals and a plan, you could end up wandering aimlessly. It ...

Good Read: Everything Connects by Faisal Hoque

This book will get you thinking about how (or if) you and your organization are significantly and purposefully fostering creativity and innovation. In between some heady and academic, but intriguing segments I found pearls of wisdom that apply to today’s ...

Tactic Overload? Find the Connection to Purpose!

Talk to any direct caregiver in healthcare and chances are you’ll hear a bit about overwhelm caused by the myriad of tasks or tactics they’re asked to complete on a regular basis. Whiteboards, scripting, hourly rounding, and bedside reporting are widely ...

What are your Power Moves for 2014

How many patients (or other customers) do you see in a day? Ten? Twenty? More? On the other hand, how many medical encounters do patients have? If they’re a typical patient probably no more than three—in a year! And during each ...

Are Disengaged Employees Sucking the Life Out of You?

According to 2013 research by AonHewitt, while employee engagement levels are beginning to show some slight signs of improvement globally, only 4 out of 10 employees report that they are engaged—40 percent are “passive or actively disengaged,” a number that has ...

Accountability Isn’t Optional

The difference between mediocre organizations and top performers are not the goals they set, but rather the accountability for achieving goals. As we work with organizations to help them improve the patient experience, we find that lack of accountability is ...

Planning without Execution Is Just Wasted Effort

You’ve likely heard this statement before: “When you fail to plan, you’re planning to fail.” The reason aphorisms like this stay around and resonate is because it’s true! When you fail to plan, you are planning to fail. Here’s an example. ...

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