Culture Catalyst Blog & Articles

It’s Not a Holiday for Everyone

Written By: Kristin Baird, MHA, BSN, RN  In healthcare environments, there’s a bit of a yin and yang to the holiday experience. Staff, and even clinicians can be particularly jovial this time of year, which is generally a good thing, but ...

Love the Ones You’re With!

Written By: Kristin Baird, RN, BSN, MHA No one will argue that empathy is at the heart of a great patient experience. In fact, many healthcare organizations provide empathy training to enhance awareness and build essential verbal and nonverbal skills. But ...

Reflections from the Field: From Silos to Synergy

Written By: Janet Schulz, SVP Consulting Division Readers of this newsletter know that at Baird Group, our passion is to support our clients in transforming culture and improving the patient experience. As we work with our clients to assess their cultures, a ...

Why You Don’t Want Satisfied People on Your Payroll

Written By: by Kristin Baird, RN, BSN, MHA Popular wisdom leads us to believe that having satisfied employees is a good thing—even a great thing. That philosophy, though, really misses the mark. If you’re only focused on satisfied employees, you’re at ...


Written By: Angela Fieler, MPA, CMQ/OE, Baird Group Consultant I’ve been working in healthcare for a long time – 78% of my life, to be exact.And it seems, no matter what level of the organization I was working in orworking with, ...

Culture is King: But Only if You Do These Three Things

Written By: by Kristin Baird, RN, BSN, MHA The phrase “culture is king” is thrown around quite a bit in business circles and yet, if you talk to business leaders, you’ll find that there aren’t many who feel that the culture ...

Tactic Overload

Written By: Angela Fieler, MPA, CMQ/OE, Baird Group Consultant Patient satisfaction, and the patient experience have been in the spotlight for severalyears now, resulting in the emergence of a new profession. In 2016, the PatientExperience Institute (PXI) certified its first group ...

PXPs – Staying the Course When Things Get Tough

Written By: Kristin Baird, MHA, BSN, RN Over the past few years, there’s been a new role emerging in healthcare—the Patient Experience Professional, or PXP. It’s an important, but not an easy, role. Face it. There is a wide range of ...

3 Steps for Engaging Physicians in the Patient Experience

Written By: Kristin Baird, MHA, BSN, RN Face it. Physicians can be intimidating. Patient Experience Professionals (PXPs), though, can’t afford to let intimidation keep them from providing the coaching and counseling needed to enhance the patient experience. Yes, physicians can sometimes ...

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