Culture Catalyst Blog & Articles

Show Them The Way

Posted by Kristin Baird 20 years ago that I first wrote about the merits of creating behavior-based service standards as a way to articulate clear expectations. Setting standards may seem basic, but it’s amazing how often this level-setting step is skipped. Establish ...

Volunteers Enhance Patient Experience

Posted by Kristin Baird When it comes to improving the patient experience, don’t forget volunteers. Healthcare organizations benefit from millions of hours of volunteer time and energy every year, yet I rarely see stellar training on customer service. They are often ...

Your Staff is Burned Out: It’s Time to Do Something About It!

Written By: Kristin Baird, RN, BSN, MHA  There’s no argument that members of helping professions—like healthcare—are particularly prone to burnout. We read and hear a lot about burnout among physicians and nurses; the problem is real. But, what’s equally real is ...

In Search of WOW

Posted by Kristin Baird The lobby was breathtaking with a beautiful water feature and sculptures in bronze and blown glass. The registration staff was friendly and efficient in professional and tasteful uniforms. The entire building was as beautiful as any 5-star ...

Why Your Patient Experience Depends on Nursing Resilience

Posted by Kristin Baird It’s no secret that an engaged workforce is necessary for a consistently positive patient experience. And nurses are pivotal in this equation. Nurses who develop resilience can prevent burnout. This allows them to engage with patients on ...

Your Nurses Don’t Want to Hear About HCAHPS

Posted by Kristin Baird A colleague recently called to talk about how he could get nurses more engaged in the patient experience. When I asked what he was currently doing, he mentioned several ways he was keeping them apprised of the ...

Who’s Got Your Back

Posted by Kristin Baird I know I’ve said it before, but patient experience professionals (PXPs) cannot go it alone. In addition to engaging stakeholders from operations, it is vital to have an executive sponsor who can run interference and ensure you have ...

Employees Are Your Best Ambassadors – Equip Them to Help

Healthcare is moving at an unprecedented pace. Mergers, acquisitions, downsizing and even social media comments hit the news and the community buzz begins. During times of change, every organization needs to tap into its greatest resource – its workforce, to ...

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