Culture Catalyst Blog & Articles

Making Training Stick – Baird’s 4-Step Model

Written By: Kristin Baird, RN, BSN, MHA In 2018, U.S. companies spent $87.6 billion on training, according to an annual survey conducted by Training magazine. Despite the fact that this represents a 6.4 percent decline from the previous year, it’s still a ...

Trust and Transparency

Posted by Kristin Baird Leaders who want to build a culture of trust will get further, faster through transparency. Over the years, I have witnessed countless leaders struggling with lack of trust in their organizations. The ones who overcome trust issues are ...

Nurse Communication and Ratings of Care

Posted by Angela Fieler The data is in.  It’s official.  There is a relationship between improving employee engagement, improving HCAHPS scores, and improving net profit margins.  Press Ganey just published a study in Harvard Business Review, showing hospitals that improve over time in ...

The Secret to Service Recovery

Posted by Kristin Baird Try as we might, there are times things go wrong and we disappoint our patients and other customers. There is plenty of data out there about the importance of healthcare service recovery, yet, very few healthcare organizations ...

Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

Posted by Kristin Baird These three words are the simplest, most recognizable instructions in the world. The standard for shampoo and conditioner, applies to other areas of life. Take front line customer service training for example. What if every leader whose ...

Knowing or Doing?

Posted by Kristin Baird Whenever we do patient experience skills training with physicians, inevitably one of them will say, “I learned this in medical school. Tell me something I don’t know.” Here’s the thing; knowing is not doing, and hearing is not ...

How Much is a Thank You Note Worth?

Posted by Kristin Baird I was recently talking with a manger who was complaining about the amount of time she spent recruiting, interviewing and onboarding new employees. She had marginal employee engagement scores so we spent some time delving into how ...

Let’s Get Personal – celebration isn’t recognition

Written By: Kristin Baird, RN, BSN, MHA We’ve just celebrated Hospital Week and Nurses Week, two of many national recognition events designed to recognize the efforts of those involved in providing healthcare services to others. These events are important and they serve as reminders ...

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