Pause for Reflection
This time of year we’re all likely to see lots of posts in our email box and social media threads about enjoying the holiday season and making plans for the new year. But I don’t want to add to that ...
This time of year we’re all likely to see lots of posts in our email box and social media threads about enjoying the holiday season and making plans for the new year. But I don’t want to add to that ...
Holidays aren’t always a happy time for everyone—especially our patients. Many people are sick, or even hospitalized during the holiday season. And, when they are, someone has to care for them. Your staff. Which can take them from their own ...
“I want to make a difference.” Chances are, if you ask many of your employees why they decided to pursue a career in healthcare, this is the answer that you’ll hear. Having a sense of purpose is critically important to ...
You’ve likely read the many media stories these days about hospitals that are closing or laying off staff because they simply can’t stay competitive. Recently Becker’s reported on 68 hospitals and health systems cutting jobs. In an environment where patients and ...
Literally all of the healthcare systems we work with have policies to protect the safety and wellbeing of patients and employees. Things like consistent hand washing when entering and leaving a patient room are non-negotiable expectations. By putting them in ...
You’re likely familiar with top-down communication and bottom-up communication, but there’s another form of communication that you’re probably not as familiar with—lateral communication. Lateral communication is the communication that takes place in organizations between individuals or departments operating at the same ...
The word “bossy” obviously emerged from the word “boss”—to describe a person who issues order and directives: “do this,” “do that,” “faster,” “more,” “harder.” People don’t generally like to work for bosses—they prefer to work with leaders and coaches. When consulting, ...
There are certain industries where technology will never entirely replace the human element and person-to-person interactions. The healthcare industry is one such example. While technology has proven to be an important aid in many ways, there is just no replacement ...
Healthcare labor shortages are nothing new. In fact, we’ve been grappling with shortages of various kinds for many years. Demand ebbs and flows as does the availability of qualified candidates. But the situation has become more challenging in recent years for ...
Baird Group has been conducting healthcare mystery shopping—or secret shopping—research since 1994. We were a pioneer in this type of research in the healthcare industry and we’ve conducted 1000’s of projects over the past 30 years. We know that secret shopping ...
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