Culture Catalyst Blog & Articles

Accountability Without Support: A Recipe for Disaster

When was the last time you evaluated your managers' and supervisors' workload? If you are a manager or supervisor, when was the last time you evaluated your workload? Does the level of accountability match the support? Healthcare managers are facing ...

Expectations vs Suggestions

Is your healthcare organization setting expectations for standards of care or giving suggestions?  Last week I was speaking to a large group of healthcare leaders about culture and the leader’s role in creating it. At one point, I stopped to ask ...

If You See Something, Say Something

If You See Something, Say Something, by Angela Fieler In July 2010, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) launched a national campaign to train state and local law enforcement to recognize behaviors and indicators of terrorism and terrorism-related crime. They then ...

Lead is a Verb, Not an Email

Lead is a Verb, Not an Email By Angela Fieler I’ve seen an alarming leadership trend lately. I suppose it started when the pandemic required that leaders distance themselves from their teams as a matter of safety. Leadership became more of ...

Top-Notch Phone Skills: You Had Me at Hello

Are your phone skills making or breaking relationships before they even start? It takes about 8 seconds to make a first impression when talking with someone face-to-face, but statistics show that it only takes 4 to 5 seconds when on ...

Policies and Procedures vs Compassion

Every organization needs policies and procedures to ensure high-quality, safe care. Yet, policies can get in the way of being reasonable if we aren’t careful. When to follow, and when not to follow, policies can be difficult, especially when trying ...

Listen With Your Eyes and Ears

Even the youngest patients know when their healthcare workers truly listen to them. When my youngest daughter, Hillary was nine years old, I told her I’d be scheduling her back-to-school physical with the pediatrician. She stopped me and asked, “Will ...

The Root Cause of Gossip

Just one gossip on the team can erode even the strongest organizational culture. In fact, gossip is among the top contributors to a toxic culture. Not only does it destroy trust among peers, but it decreases team and individual performance. Why ...

Gossip Feeds a Toxic Culture

Gossip, when left unchecked, is among the top contributors to a toxic culture. Gossip erodes trust and psychological safety of both the individual and the team. And it can diminish the performance of both. So, what can you do to keep gossip ...

Balancing Skill With Patient Experience

Many healthcare positions require a high degree of technical skill, but balancing skill with patient experience is a skill unto itself. This is especially true in direct patient care. After all, if you mess up an important technical task, you could hurt ...

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