The Patient Experience Goes Hollywood….

What would your patients say about their experience at your organization? The Baird Group is always striving to help organizations understand the patient experience in ways that will engage the heart. So, in the middle of June, MedStar Health engaged Kristin Baird and Sean O’Brien Photography to conduct man-on-the-street interviews with patients to understand their expectations and experiences. The resulting video will be used to tell the patient story to MedStar leaders and frontline staff.

Baird interviewed patients to learn how they define quality, what it takes to earn their trust, and what they would change about their experiences if they could. Sean O’Brien and his crew captured the interviews on video and condensed them down for a meaningful, engaging video that tells the real story.

According to Jean Hitchcock, Corporate Vice President of Public Affairs and Marketing for MedStar, “We needed to find a way to help our managers and front-line staff to really hear what our patients were saying in their own words. Nothing helps to engage the heart like the faces and voices of our own patients. The video that Kris and Sean created really tells the story.”

Are you doing all you can to understand your patients? If you don’t ask, you’ll never know what they need.

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